GROUP 43 - Music Video 2008/9: October 2008

Thursday 23 October 2008

Working Overtime

Last night, both Chris' worked from 4:10pm till 5:30pm. This gives us extra editing time, and they managed to get most of the structure of the video done. This means we just need to refine it, but it now resembles something of a rough cut.

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Monday 20 October 2008

Problems We Have Found During Editing.

During editing we have discovered that we did not have all the shots that we wanted to have. To fix this we left two people editing and sent two people went out with the camera and filmed some more in the forests and more close up lip syncing. This will help our music video flow, so that you can properly see the lip syncing.

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Saturday 18 October 2008

Final Cut Filter

After looking at the Noah and the Whale video, we decided that making some footage look really old would be more suited to our video style. Because we couldn't do this effectively with what Final Cut Express provides us as standard. Because Duncan has a MacBook with Final Cut installed, we found a plug-in called "CGM Aged Film LE" which allows us to add a tone, a grain, lines, scratches and trapped hairs to make the footage look as aged as possible.

This was an idea we liked from another group. They are in our class, and they didn't use it in their music video. This effect was achieved my lip syncing the mouth at 66% speed, and then speeding the video up to 150%, so his mouth is at normal speed, but everything else is at 1.5 speed.

Whilst simple, the Aged Film make this clip look better, especially if we want it to look like a memory.

This was one of our first ideas, to clone the bears onscreen. Because there was a short time difference when taking the shots, the brightness changed. Annoyingly, there is a small box around one of the bears which I cannot get rid of.

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Monday 13 October 2008

Rough Cut Feedback


- Good camera angles
- The feeling /mood of the video matches the song well. Sped up shot of bears looks very professional, as does the shot in the mirror
- Bear suits are really effective, house is really fairytale like with the banister etc.
- setting is good
- simplicity works well with the narrative and the song itself
- What you have is good

Areas for Improvement

- Camera is a bit shaky towards the end. Lighting in bedroom makes shot look amateur
- Lighting out of bedroom is rather dark. More lip syncing is needed as its not very clear
- lighting is a bit dark
- get rid of sound from camera
- some camera noise

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Sunday 12 October 2008

Prime idea we wish to use.

This is a video from virus syndicate - slowdown it uses techniques we plan to use, for example swapping between 2 locations every other line. Along with slowing down the speeding up footage to create a cool looking effect!

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Saturday 11 October 2008

Rough Cut

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Friday 10 October 2008


We intend in making our video look older by applying a grain to the footage, we are also thinking about making parts of the video look almost "home video" style!
Here is the kind of grain we would like to apply to our video.

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Thursday 9 October 2008

Problems With Filming

When filming we occurred 2 problems, 1 of which was the weather which meant we were unable to get any kind of shot by the river as the bear outfits would have been damaged.
We were also unable to get permission to film within the bed shop.

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During filming we made many new friends, including Japanese tourists who wanted photos with us, people in need of a hug and many many many waves and a guy who sat on a bench with us and wanted a chat!!!!!!!!
It was reallllllllyyyyyyy good fun :D

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We got a job offer!!!

Whilst filming on Thursday, we got approached by a random lady. She was the organizer for the Mill Road Winter Fair, and she offered a job for walking around in the bear suits on the day of the fair. However, she had assumed the bear costumes were privately owned by us, rather than us renting them, so we had to turn her down.

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Monday 6 October 2008

Editing Ideas

This video is by Noah and the Whale, for the song, 5 Years Time. We had problems miming the last verse, so instead, by having a video quality like this (can be achieved by lowering frame rate and ading a grain) as a filler.

Its just an idea



This really should have been done earlier.

On Thursday, we went ahead with filming as planned. We forgot our storyboard though, so we had to improvise. we also finished filming quite a bit before our planned end, because Laura was getting very cold quickly. The middle of Cambridge was also very busy, so we struggled to get good backwards walking shots.

On Friday, Duncan was away, so Chris O, Chris P and Laura went ahead with filming. They did all the indoor shots in Lauras house, and some of the exterior shots. They couldn't film by the reservoir and woods, because it had rained and there was a lot of slippery mud.

Saturday was planned to be for any more shots that we might need from Cambridge city centre. however, Laura had to cancel last minute, so this was put off.

Monday was used as our last shooting day. We started at Parkers Piece, doing some more shots, and potentially some "cloning". We also did most of our lip-syncing shots. We were in a good mood, so these takes were a lot more comical.

We have returned the costumes, so if we need to do any more shots, we will have to pay for them.

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Wednesday 1 October 2008


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