GROUP 43 - Music Video 2008/9: Final Cut Filter

Saturday 18 October 2008

Final Cut Filter

After looking at the Noah and the Whale video, we decided that making some footage look really old would be more suited to our video style. Because we couldn't do this effectively with what Final Cut Express provides us as standard. Because Duncan has a MacBook with Final Cut installed, we found a plug-in called "CGM Aged Film LE" which allows us to add a tone, a grain, lines, scratches and trapped hairs to make the footage look as aged as possible.

This was an idea we liked from another group. They are in our class, and they didn't use it in their music video. This effect was achieved my lip syncing the mouth at 66% speed, and then speeding the video up to 150%, so his mouth is at normal speed, but everything else is at 1.5 speed.

Whilst simple, the Aged Film make this clip look better, especially if we want it to look like a memory.

This was one of our first ideas, to clone the bears onscreen. Because there was a short time difference when taking the shots, the brightness changed. Annoyingly, there is a small box around one of the bears which I cannot get rid of.

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