GROUP 43 - Music Video 2008/9: Filming

Monday 6 October 2008


This really should have been done earlier.

On Thursday, we went ahead with filming as planned. We forgot our storyboard though, so we had to improvise. we also finished filming quite a bit before our planned end, because Laura was getting very cold quickly. The middle of Cambridge was also very busy, so we struggled to get good backwards walking shots.

On Friday, Duncan was away, so Chris O, Chris P and Laura went ahead with filming. They did all the indoor shots in Lauras house, and some of the exterior shots. They couldn't film by the reservoir and woods, because it had rained and there was a lot of slippery mud.

Saturday was planned to be for any more shots that we might need from Cambridge city centre. however, Laura had to cancel last minute, so this was put off.

Monday was used as our last shooting day. We started at Parkers Piece, doing some more shots, and potentially some "cloning". We also did most of our lip-syncing shots. We were in a good mood, so these takes were a lot more comical.

We have returned the costumes, so if we need to do any more shots, we will have to pay for them.

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